Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Starcraft Section, Sneak-peek

First off, I'm going to give the blog a few pictures about SC and how it's legacy started as one of the best R.T.S if you haven't heard about it yet; It's quite appalling for me to see experienced gamers with no idea of what it is.

You may be repelled by the rather sub-par graphics, but it is quite compensated by it's extremely balanced game-play and system. It requires extensive skill to master and brings out the hard-core gamer in people. The strategies, the units, the combinations, it is intense and very time consuming to master all of it, although the Koreans have adopted this game and made it into a national sport that pays millions-- and even billions of Won. I will go through as much as I can through this section, because Starcraft is such a broad topic ranging from the Korean superstars and the game itself.

I hope you enjoy this one!


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